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Icon Item Name AC HP Mana End Ratio Damage Delay
Greatsword of Rebellion 767 36813 33939 33939 55.784 2064 37
Bo Staff of Rebellion 767 36073 34615 34615 55.783 1283 23
Cudgel of the Leviathan 751 33424 32140 32140 53.435 1229 23
Veeshan's Talon 751 34176 31596 31596 53.432 1977 37
Lucern Hammer of Rebellion 767 34840 35751 35751 53.333 1920 36
Arcane Staff of Rebellion 767 33520 36947 36947 53.333 1920 36
Greataxe of Rebellion 767 35856 0 34631 53.297 1972 37
Gavel of Veeshan's Will 751 32620 33076 33076 51.083 1839 36
Scalewrought Manipulator Stave 751 31263 34352 34352 51.083 1839 36
Bardiche of Rebellion 767 36714 34583 34583 50.906 1629 32
Long Spear of Rebellion 767 36827 34584 34584 50.900 1527 30
Maul of Rebellion 767 36616 34712 34712 50.889 1832 36
Terrastriker Toothpick 751 34088 32048 32048 48.767 1463 30
Aureate War Hammer 751 34294 32074 32074 48.750 1755 36
Stirring Bardiche of the Bound 751 34156 32159 32159 48.750 1560 32
Fighting Staff of Eternal Reverie 718 30017 29062 29062 48.261 1110 23
Great Sword of Eternal Reverie 718 30570 28401 28401 48.243 1785 37
Great Censer of Eternal Reverie 718 29084 29703 29703 46.139 1661 36
Arcane Staff of Eternal Reverie 718 28017 30923 30923 46.139 1661 36
Poleaxe of Eternal Reverie 718 30808 0 29076 46.135 1707 37
Autumnal Staff 702 28002 26998 26998 45.913 1056 23
Snake Biter 702 28643 26482 26482 45.892 1698 37
Spear of Eternal Reverie 718 30728 28924 28924 44.033 1321 30
Bardiche of Eternal Reverie 718 30808 29076 29076 44.031 1409 32
Maul of Eternal Reverie 718 30761 28932 28932 44.028 1585 36
Fortuitous Scepter of Xev Bristlebane 702 27231 27838 27838 43.889 1580 36
Gilded Staff of the Master Magus 702 26003 28928 28928 43.889 1580 36
Bo Staff of Uprising 591 26991 25952 25952 42.957 988 23
Greatsword of Uprising 591 27396 25527 25527 42.946 1589 37
Kar's Crusher 702 28488 26890 26890 41.889 1508 36
Axe of Fallen Leaves 702 28462 26790 26790 41.875 1340 32
Pike of Selflessness 702 28471 26811 26811 41.867 1256 30
Gilded Tower Greatsword 578 25562 23563 23563 41.135 1522 37
Astral Coalition Staff 578 25070 24050 24050 41.130 946 23
Lucern Hammer of Uprising 591 26167 26842 26842 41.056 1478 36
Arcane Staff of Uprising 591 25169 27656 27656 41.056 1478 36
Greataxe of Uprising 591 26979 0 26043 41.027 1518 37
Spectral Luclinite Fighting Staff 669 26436 25303 25303 40.826 939 23
Spectral Luclinite Two Headed Spear 669 26903 24797 24797 40.811 1510 37
Trainer's Sledgehammer 578 24397 24769 24769 39.333 1416 36
Glacius Aetheris 578 23358 25920 25920 39.333 1416 36
Maul of Uprising 591 27413 25994 25994 39.194 1411 36
Bardiche of Uprising 591 27519 25898 25898 39.188 1254 32
Long Spear of Uprising 591 27555 25997 25997 39.167 1175 30
Spectral Luclinite Great Censer 669 25561 26151 26151 39.028 1405 36
Spectral Luclinite Arcane Staff 669 24676 27091 27091 39.028 1405 36
Spectral Luclinite Poleaxe 669 27015 0 25492 39.027 1444 37
Fighting Staff of Memoryforged Desolation 653 24505 23526 23526 38.870 894 23
Pathmaster Kharin's Interjection 653 24505 23526 23526 38.870 894 23
Two Headed Spear of Memoryforged Desolation 653 25174 23025 23025 38.838 1437 37

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